Someone has taken their love of trilogies one step too far.

Scream 3 is a 2000 meta slasher film directed by Wes Craven, written by Ehren Kruger, produced by Konrad Pictures and Craven / Maddalena Films, and distributed by Dimension Films. It stars Neve Campbell and David Arquette. This is the third film in the Scream franchise. It was preceded by Scream 2 and followed by Scream 4.
"Psychos can't kill what they can't find." - Sidney Prescott
Three years after the last Ghostface attacks, Sidney Prescott has moved away from Woodsboro. When killings begin to happen on the set of a movie based off of the events of the original Scream, Sid is drawn back to face her demons for the third time.
Scream 3: Quick Thoughts
Scream 3 has all of the entertainment value of a usual slasher. It's fun, I guess. There are some really standout scenes that show glimpses of Wes Craven's meta genius, most notably a scene that takes place with a fax machine. I enjoy watching Ghostface run around and stab people with moments of commentary on the horror genre. That's what a Scream movie is supposed to deliver, and Scream 3 does.
However, this film falls victim to the tropes and cliches that it makes fun of. It's SO generic and easily the most boring film in the franchise. It tries to out-meta Scream and Scream 2 by having the story actually take place on a film set, but that just comes off as a odd and lame. They don't really do anything with that concept, and it makes the movie just have no soul.
The kills are also atrocious. The Scream franchise has never had the best kills, but Scream 3 probably could've been rated PG-13. Part of that was the fact that this film was released right after Columbine, so violence was being toned down in all media. But, twenty years later, that makes the movie feel extremely bland.
This is a really random annoying thing, but they give Ghostface the power to imitate other people's voices, which is just stupid. That's such a lazy plot point that makes him so much more powerful.
It's not terrible. But this film isn't the unique, fun experience that a Scream movie is. Ghostface and Sidney Prescott are in it. There are a few meta jokes. But besides that, you can exchange everything else for something in a different slasher (like Halloween Kills or Prom Night or something) and the movie barely changes. And that's lame. They even sideline Sidney for a big chunk of this movie, so you don't get her presence to make this somewhat better. Ugh. Bad movie.
Final Thoughts and Score
Scream 3 is a dull, bland, generic Scream movie that has no soul and barely feels like a fun Ghostface killing spree at all.
I will go Sour here. Age range is 11+.
Sweet (Great) Savory (Good) Sour (Bad) Moldy (Terrible)
"Scream 3"
Fun Factor: 5/10 Acting: 7/10
Story: 4/10
Characters: 4.5/10
Quality: 4.5/10
Directed by Wes Craven
Rated R for moderate bloody violence, language, frightening themes and images, suggestive material, thematic elements
Released on February 4, 2000
1 hour and 57 minutes
Neve Campbell as Sidney Prescott
David Arquette as Dewey Riley
Courteney Cox as Gale Weathers
Parker Posey as Jennifer Jolie
Patrick Dempsey as Mark Kincaid
Scott Foley as Roman Bridger
Lance Hendrickson as John Milton
Matt Keeslar as Tom Prinze
Jenny McCarthy as Sarah Darling
Emily Mortimer as Angelina Tyler
Deon Richmond as Tyson Fox
Liev Schreiber as Cotton Weary
Kelly Rutherford as Christine Hamilton
Lynn McRee as Maureen Prescott
Jamie Kennedy as Randy Meeks
Carrie Fisher as Bianca
Roger L. Jackson as Ghostface